I am Britta Westner, a teaching fellow (Tenure Track) and researcher at the Donders Institute and Radboudumc in The Netherlands. Here, I am working in the department of Cognitive Neuroscience.
My current research focuses mainly on the intersection of language and memory and I am closely working together with the lab of Assoc.-Prof. Vitória Piai. Since my background is in visual neuroscience, I am naturally also interested in the intersection of language and vision. I work with electrophysiological data and have a focus on data analysis methods such as source reconstruction and MEG decoding.
I am a member of the Radboud Young Academy, a think tank that contributes to the academic culture at the Radboud University and Radboudumc. Here, I mostly work on open science and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
I am enthusiastic about open source and am part of the core developer team of MNE-Python since 2019.
Since 2022, I am also a topic editor for the Journal of Open Source Software JOSS.
Before starting my tenure track journey, I worked in Vitória Piai’s lab at the Donders Center for Cognition after holding a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in the lab of Prof. Floris de Lange, also at the Donders Institute. Previously, I worked in the lab of Prof. Sarang Dalal at Aarhus University in Denmark and did my PhD at the University of Konstanz in Germany in the same group.