Here, I report things like published papers, conferences I will or just have attended, workshops etc. as short news items.


πŸ“„ Our work on source space connectivity estimation is now published in Imaging Neuroscience (April).

πŸŽ‰ I started a new job! I am now a teaching fellow (Tenure Track) at the Donders Institute and RadboudUMC.


πŸ“— Taught at Berlin Brainwaves at the MPI for Human Development in Berlin (October).

πŸŽ‰ Got selected to be a member of the Radboud Young Academy! Very honored!

πŸ“— Gave a workshop on how to teach MNE-Python in preparation for CuttingGardens (September).

πŸ’¬ Invited talk: Source space decoding and verbal fluency, at Institut NeuroMarseille, Aix-Marseille University, France (September).

πŸ“„ New co-authored paper! Jensen et al. on speech comprehension (September).

πŸ’¬ Invited talk: Source space decoding and verbal fluency, at Waseda University Tokyo, Japan (🌿 virtual; August).

πŸ’» Co-mentored Scott Huberty for a project on eye tracking for Google Summer of Code (June-August).

πŸ“— Taught at the Donders MEG/EEG Toolkit (May).

πŸ“„ New preprint! On neural adaptation and autism (April).

πŸ“„ New preprint! On decoding and source reconstruction (March).

πŸ“„ New preprint! On functional connectivity (February).

πŸ“„ New co-authored paper! Alves et al. on changes in the retina in Parkinson’s disease (February).